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What is the IAA (International Affairs Association?)

Working in conjunction with the Model United Nations (MUN) co-curricular at NMH, the IAA not only hosts and manages conferences but also publishes a monthly magazine that focuses on international affairs and politics.

IAA Student Leaders

Secretary-General: Erika Jing 

The Secretary General is the head of the program and is responsible for developing the program alongside club advisors. In charge of overseeing all conferences, meetings, and projects. Manages all club members and club officials.

Club Manager: Alexa Winter

The club manager is responsible for running any background operations, such as document organization or even baking treats for club members! They work directly with any and all leaders in the club to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

Design Team: Brania Tzou (Leader), Jaymee Yeung, Michael Figge

Designs posters and infographics for the NMHMUN Instagram account. Manages social media posts and promotions.

Website Team: Eunbean Lee, Erika Jing

Created the website you are reading right now :D

IAA Faculty

MUN Advisor: Tiffany Thiri

Tiffany Thiri has worked as an educator for almost 20 years, in the United States, and internationally. She was introduced to Model UN while teaching in Brooklyn in 2004, and has advised and traveled with students with this program ever since. 

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